Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2nd Annual High School Holiday Giving Challenge

It’s time for the 2nd Annual High School Wide HOLIDAY GIVING CHALLENGE!! 

Here's the premise. . .
The holiday season is supposed to be about giving. . . not getting. . . right?  That's seems to get lost in all the hustle and bustle of this time of year.  We are hoping that this holiday season will be a little different for you and your family. 

Here's the plan. . .
For 31 days (every day in the month of December), we are going to give a gift to someone else.  It doesn't have to be something big.  Maybe it’s just a kind word, or letting someone skip ahead of us in the check out line.  It might be buying someone a cup of coffee, or writing an encouraging note.  It could be cleaning your room without being asked, or giving your baby sister a hug.  Anything really. . . just so that we are thinking of others instead of ourselves. 

Here's the stats. . .
As of this week, there are 1,342 high school students.  .  If all of us commit to do this, we will have given 41,602 gifts away during the month of December.  Okay, let's be realistic. . . .not all of us will participate.  Let's say that half of us committed to the Giving Challenge.  That would be 20,801 gifts given away.  Still a long shot??  If only a third of us complete this challenge, that will be 13,857 gifts.  That would be pretty AWESOME!! 

Here's the payoff. . .
Well. . . there's not one really. . . except for the joy that you receive in the giving. 

Here's the challenge. . .
Do this with us!!!   Some of our families have chosen to journal their gift giving together each evening by writing down what each of us "gave away" that day and posting it on the wall at our house.  We thought it would be a neat way for us and our kiddos to visualize their selfless acts of giving.  We encourage you to do the same.  After Christmas, we will be contacting you again because we want to hear about some of the gifts you “gave away”.   So. . . take pictures, write it down. . . we’ll look forward to hearing how you were blessed in the giving.      

Learning coaches, parents, siblings, etc. are welcome to participate as well.  Happy giving!  Let us know if you are IN by clicking on the link and taking the short survey below.  If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to 

The SCVCS High School Student Engagement Committee