Friday, April 27, 2012

Student Spotlight: Kathryn McCarthy

Katie's ballet class (she audits the class at her local high school's Performing Arts magnet) had to complete a project on the Titanic this semester. Their task was to create an original ballet based on the sinking of the Titanic.

Being responsible for developing the concept, writing the story, selecting appropriate music, choreography for each piece, costumes, props, and so on was a tall order for a group of 13-15 year olds! Katie used the research paper that she did in Ms. Sasser's English class to develop the bulk of the story.

This link will take you to a video that Katie created for the closing number in the ballet, "Slipping Into the Water".

Katie is the tall blonde front right in the opening diagonal and is also the narrator before the dance begins.

Congratulations to Katie for her hard work. . . and to Ms. Sasser for her inspiration!!