Monday, March 12, 2012

Global Education Day Field Trip Opportunity

Friday, March 30 - 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Cantey Building, SC State Fairgrounds

Global Education Day (GED) is one day that is set aside especially for school children during the Columbia International Festival to educate them about the variety of cultures that are represented in South CarolinaStudents of all levels are invited to attend GED but it is expected those students in grades 3-10 will benefit the most from the experience.
Incorporating both fun and learning, GED gives educators and parents an opportunity to open the eyes of their students, not only to the richness of our world but also to the ethnic diversity of South Carolina and to the positive contributions being made by foreign-born citizens. The day's events will focus on meeting the South Carolina Social Studies & Foreign Language Standards. Students will see the artifacts, curios, costumes and souvenirs of more than 60 countries at the National Exhibits and International Bazaar.

Admission: $5/student. Chaperones are free!
Space is limited to 20 participants.
Learning coach or other chaperone must attend.
Kmail Mrs. Carroll by Friday, 3/23 if you’d like to sign up.